I did buy Black foam board to see how they look hung on that too.
This is a little place I write about our daily lives. I am a mom to three kids, an army wife. I love photography, sewing, crafts, jewery, fashion and cooking.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Ribbon Photo hanger
I did buy Black foam board to see how they look hung on that too.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Christmas is over
I cleaned the kids room and got it all adjusted. The new toys have their homes. The kids have played Monopoly, Uno Flash, and Connect 4 today. They played well. I did get the dresser I ordered from Slumberland 4 months ago. Dustin brought the van in and we picked it up. It helped with the organization of the kids room.
I put away laundry that I washed at mom's house this weekend. It saves me $20 a week to wash my laundry at mom's house because we don't have a washer and dryer in the apartment. It is crazy how expensive it is to use the laundry mat. Then the clothes are not clean and they don't dry all the way. I can't believe that people actually pay to do it too. It is frustrating to wash your clothes there.
New Years Eve I don't really have any plans. The kids and I will stay here and play Wii and order pizza. I will get some junk food for tomorrow night. I think my brother Rex will be comming over to hang out with us.
I have been debating doing the Angel Food Ministries. I am going to get one box this month and see how the food is. I will let you know how it goes with that. It is $30 and supposed to feed a family for a week. http://www.angelfoodministries.com/
If I got it and used it for one week I would save almost $50 in one week. Makes one say WOW! It is alot of shoes I can buy. :)
Monday, December 29, 2008
Pictures of all 5 kids
Courtney is still in her jammies. She got them for Christmas from Grandma Weeks. They have been taken off to be washed twice and put back on to be worn till her mother tells her she stinks and needs a bath and new clothes or jammies.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
My Goofy daughter
Crazy girl.
I keep looking for my Christmas spirit. I keep repeating that song, "Where Are You Christmas?"
I am trying to keep my Christmas Season. It is hard to make myself push my remember that it is important for the kids.
I have all the presents wrapped. The house is clean. Some cookies baked.
The weather looks to be good. There is supposed to be no snow. It is snowing here now and it snowed last night. It is supposed to snow tonight. It is warm. It is going to have a high of 28. YEA!
I heard a song today it was really nice. It was "Another Christmas" I am not sure who sings it. He was on American Idol.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
GA Ocean Pictures Edited
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Boys Birthday
We went to the Gangus Grill last night. The boys loved it. I am glad we went. Then we went to Sonic for a ice cream desert. The roads did get better after a while. We are going to do the Planet X thing on Christmas vacation.
Our microwave was acting really wierd this morning so we went to Walmart and got a new one. It was snapping and sparking not a good thing. Fire Danger! So Courtney and I went before a ton of people were there Christmas shopping. We checked out fast. I was thinking it would be busier the last Saturday before Christmas. It was really easy to get in and out. My cashier had no one maybe it was because it was only 9 am and everone was sleeping.
I stayed up so late last night talking to Harmand. Man I miss him so much. It is difficult to have Christmas comming up and then still keep the holiday spirit. I am trying to stay up beat for the kids. I hope they don't notice.
Christmas is only a couple days away. I think once the holidays are gone time will go fast till Harmand is home. I hope summer comes soon. I need to decide what to do about school.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
2 weeks no sex or no intenet
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
More Photo Edits
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Photo Edits

Monday, December 8, 2008
I have been feeling sick
I went grocery shopping anyways today because we are supposed to get a snow storm over night. 3 inches is what they are saying. YUCK!
I need to start to prepare to move. I have to inventory the house. Can you say again YUCK!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
I don't want to take care of anyone else because I am sick. Courtney is not feeling very good still. She is doing better. I hope she can go to school tomorrow.
We are going to have another snow storm tomorrow and tomorrow night.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Well Courtney is sick again
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
I made Black Bean Soup for supper tonight. It did not go oever at all. I hope tomorrows recipe will be better. :) I am so craving coffee. I want one but it is 9 at night I can not because I will not be able to sleep.
Monday, December 1, 2008
One final done
Amber's mom had a stroke over the weekend. It is bad. She is having difficulty communicating. I feel so bad for her and Amber. I can't do much because I am trying to finish my homework. If it had been next week it would have been okay
We got 3 inches of snow here last night which made the roads a mess around here. I did walk outside for a few minutes. It was really slippery. I did not get my paperwork turned into work. I will have to venture out tonight or tomorrow to turn it in. Not looking forward to that. I hate driving in the snow.
I hope to add pictures one day to this blog but it doesn't seem to happen :) Oh well It is good for me to just write.
Harmand is supposed to be working on the paper work for the AIP. I hope we get the stuff done to move quickly. I don't think he wants to stay in S. Korea.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Looking over the last Year
February We lost Pink, the beloved dog. Courtney was crushed by this event. It was hard for her.
June 13 Our town was flooded. We lost our home, and most of our possessions. This was difficult but the real hard work started after that.
June 15 We got into our home and started the part where we tore everything out and cleaned it out
June 28 The kids left to go to their dads
July 3 I flew to GA to spend time with Harmand.
July 8 Harmand and I got back to Iowa
July 26 the Kids got home from their dads house.
July 28 Harmand and I got married.
Aug 1 we moved into our little apartment
Aug 16 Harmand left for Korea. That was extremely hard to put him on a plane and watch him leave.
Aug 21 Caleb and Colton start Harding middle school
Oct 5 the house was removed now there is just a basement.
Novemeber I survived a Thanksgiving without Harmand at home.
This year has been almost surreal. It feels like a dream.
Boy am I glad it is almost done!
Looking back
February We lost Pink, the beloved dog. Courtney was crushed by this event. It was hard for her.
June 13 Our town was flooded. We lost our home, and most of our possessions. This was difficult but the real hard work started after that.
June 15 We got into our home and started the part where we tore everything out and cleaned it out
June 28 The kids left to go to their dads
July 3 I flew to GA to spend time with Harmand.
July 8 Harmand and I got back to Iowa
July 26 the Kids got home from their dads house.
July 28 Harmand and I got married.
Aug 1 we moved into our little apartment
Aug 16 Harmand left for Korea. That was extremely hard to put him on a plane and watch him leave.
Aug 21 Caleb and Colton start Harding middle school
Oct 5 the house was removed now there is just a basement.
Novemeber I survived a Thanksgiving without Harmand at home.
This year has been almost surreal. It feels like a dream.
Boy am I glad it is almost done!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Nap time is over
So I am checking the adds to see where we will go shopping tomorrow. I don't need any more presents but if I find some good deals for the kids I will buy it. I still need to get a present for Melissa and Jason on our family exchange on Harmand's side. I got the presents from Harmand. I got the Christmas gifts for the kids. I also got my birthday presents from him. He sent me a beautiful scarf and some comfy slippers. He also included notebooks.
Mom and I are leaving at 3 tomorrow morning. Early start to shopping :)
We will stay overnight at their house again tomorrow.
I didn't get to talk to Harmand today. I did on Wed. That was nice. I miss him so much. I feel like a piece of my heart is missing. I still go on day to day but part of me is not there. Sometimes I wonder if the kids can tell.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Iowa Game on Sat
What is the world comming to!?!
I have 3 of my 4 assignements done for the week. I still have to answer my DQ questions. I know what I am taking for food Thursday and Sunday. I am working on my Lunch and Learn Project for International busniess. Sounds like fun huh?
Courtney went to the men's basketball game for Iowa tonight. She said it was fun. She was with Sharon all day today. It gave me lots of time to get my homework done. I am glad I got a lot done.
My dad asked me this weekend if we were going to have any more babies. UMM NO! He said well I want another granddaughter. ASK one of your sons! LOL and you can't just put in an order for a girl. I don't even get to do the thing that causes a baby with my husband. :) HELLO you have to be together to have a baby.
Why are home values in Cedar Rapids raising 3.23% in value? It is odd. Everyone else's are going down.
Monday, November 24, 2008
LL Cool J & the View
LL Cool J was on today. He is actually very cool. He is helping sears with their program to help vets have housing. It is a good program. He is supposed to be making a clothing line that will fit all types of bodies. We will see.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Dustin's Surgery
Iowa City's University hospitals are CRAZY. There were so many people and it was so busy. It was crazy getting there.
There was an awful accident on 380. It took 20 minutes to go 2 miles. There were 4 cars in a pile up. Someone died in the accident. It was awful when I drove by it.
http://www.gazetteonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20081119/NEWS/811199992/1001/NEWS I feel bad for his family. It is so sad.
The kids have the whole week off school next week for thanksgiving. It has just flown upon us. I can't believe it. It will soon be Christmas. I can't wait for the kids to open their presents.
I hope things go well and we are able to move. I am looking forward to being with my husband. If I could i would just pack the house up an move our clothes and go. But Dan hasn't even filled out the paper work. UGGG!!!! He says he hasn't gotten it. I have to find the receipt for when I mailed it.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
OH WELL I guess I don't have to bring anything :)
Christmas tree
Monday, November 17, 2008
Christmas Presents ALREADY!?
I got the boys Christmas and birthday presents today. I am so excited about birthday presents and Christmas! I need to wrap them tomorrow.
I got an awesome buy at Aldi's today. They had a 4 gb card for 9.99 you can only buy one at a time, I think I will go back tomorrow and get another one.
Dec 4 there is a holiday parade at night. I really want to take the kids to it. We have a holiday party Thursday night for Big Brother's Big Sister's. I will miss our big brothers and sisters so much when we move. :( It will be hard to leave our family and friends when we move. It is so hard to think about.
Harmand doesn't know if he wants to stay in Korea for 2 years. I am still waiting for him to get the paper work for us to get a command sponsorship.
Over the weekend we went to my mom's house and had my birthday party. I got lots of really cute things. I got an cool hat. I am waiting for the pictures from my mom so I can show it off.
Tomorrow I am going to get the Christmas tree out.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Another day has come and gone
I normally look so forward to the holidays and love to get in the spirit. We lost most of our Christmas ornaments in the floods. That is kind of depressing. I wish I had been able to save them.
I mailed my swap partner her ornament today. It was a fun swap. It was very cool, It was a snowman that was wearing an Iowa Hawks scarf and hat. I found it at a craft fair.
I worked today. Thankfully the girl I work with is feeling better. She is in good spirits. YEA! We had a great lunch together.
I got the kids closet cleaned out. I took any clothes that would not fit them next summer. I am getting rid of lots of things I don't want to store or ship. The thing is there isn't much to go through here. Most of it is at my mom and dad's house. There is so much to go through there. I will do some of that this weekend.
I work tomorrow again. So hopefully we will have a good day. I will go to Women's Fellowship.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Cold Meds
Friday is my birthday. I don't know how I feel about it right now. Isn't that odd? I remember when I was a kid and I couldn't wait for my birthday. Now it is hold off as long as possible, hope no one remembers and hope the day goes quickly. :)
I am feeling much better now. I took sudafed. I hate the way it makes me feel. I feel like I am on speed. I can't sleep and I am always on the go. That is probably why my homework is done the house is clean and I am still ready to go some more.
Courtney got her birthday present from Harmand today. She was so happy. I will add the pictures later. She enjoyed getting presents from Korea and is going to show her class tomorrow.
Last night Dan called. We had to go because of the concert. The kids did not want to call him back afterwards. They didn't even seem like they wanted to talk to him. It is odd. I guess it is normal but I think they are starting to distance themselves from him. Maybe I am reading more into it than I should. When he calls they really don't talk much. Oh well.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Colton's Concert
This was Colton's performance! It was a little squeeky. :)
Courtney's confrence went well. She is doing good. The teacher says she doesn't talk enough in class. HOW ODD? She is such a chatter box when she is at home. :)
I am feeling a little better except I am really medicated. I can't sleep because of the medison.
I have done some laundry and cleaned the kitchen. I feel cruddy but can't sit down. LOL
Life is a ride be prepared