Tuesday, January 27, 2009

More Chatter

I went to Goodwill yesterday. I got a pitcher and bowl for my mom. She has been looking for one for a long time. She was so happy with it when I showed her today. It was cream with little yellow and blue flowers around the edge of the bowl and one big one on the pitcher.

I also got all of the laundry washed, dried, and put away. I had to go to the laundry mat. It is much faster but so expensive.

I bought groceries. I didn't have to buy much because of the angel food ministries. We are eating that food this week. I only spent $20 on things like cereal, bananas and some salad mix. Next month does not seem like as cool of a box. Oh well.

I cleaned the house. The house is vacumed. I washed walls today. The house is sparkling. I dusted. It is nice that the house is clean.

1 comment:

Snarky Mom Reads said...

The GW find sounds awesome!